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Kendra Adams Gears Up for Debut During 10th Anniversary of United Racing Series Competition

Kendra Adams has her sights set on the APC United Racing Series kick off at her home track Sunset Speedway on May 18.


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After a successful Pro Late Model debut earlier this month, Kendra Adams has her sights set on the APC United Racing Series kick off at her home track Sunset Speedway, May 18th, 2024.


This will be Adams’ first time joining the series and is looking forward to participating in the opener of the series' 10th year running. “I remember when I was 15 and the APC Series started, it was the events everyone wanted to be at, you knew every time you walked through those gates you were about to see an amazing show- now I get to be a part of that.”

The green Pro Late Model driver is looking forward to building her skills and continuing to race with other proven talent, one advantage she has is she’s on home turf. “Sunset is pretty much all I know, racing here for 12 years you learn a lot about the track. When I used to do Social Media for APC I would constantly hear how drivers thought Sunset was a tough track- hopefully this means good things for me during this debut since I'll be comfortable with one thing for sure, the racing surface.”

Hoping to court a home field advantage, Adams shares “After the Steve Slaughter Classic I feel really confident in our ability to qualify.” She placed 6th out of 23 cars for qualifying, “I know a really important part of APC racing is track position- the further up you start the less likely you are to be involved in bad luck.”

After the 100 lap event earlier this month Adams crossed the finish line in the 12th position, “This car is a whole lot different when it comes to tire management, which I was always told, but you never really know until you’re the one driving. However I love the idea of the APC tour since they are all 4 tire races- I think it really shows who’s competitive when you’re all on the same 4 tires, not worrying about inventory strategies.”

The May 18th show at Sunset Speedway is going to be an event you can’t miss, Adams reminds her fans ”I’m thrilled to be a part of this event because even if you can't make it out to the track you’ll be able stream the race live directly from Racing America.”

Follow along with trackside updates on Adams’ 2 car on Facebook at Kendra Adams Motorsports and instagram @KendraAdamsMotorsports. Then read the weekly blog on www.kendraadamsmotorsports.com.

-Story by: Adams Media Group

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