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Slinger Speedway Announces Elite 8 Super Late Model Series

The eight-race series will pay a minimum of $2,500 to win and $400 to start


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Slinger, Wis. — In the first of many announcements regarding the 75th season of racing in 2022 at the Slinger Speedway, the Uptown Super Late Model division will compete in the inaugural Elite 8 Series, an eight-race series paying a minimum of $2,500 to win and $400 to start.

The Elite 8 Super Late Model Series will kick off on Sunday afternoon, April 24th with the 75th Slinger Speedway Season Opener and the super late models will return for round two on Sunday evening May 29th for the E.H. Wolf and Sons Memorial Day Weekend Special with Fireworks. Round three for the Elite 8 Super Late Model Series is set for Sunday evening June 12th with the Keith’s Marina Race Against Cancer and round four follows one week later on Sunday evening June 19th with the PMF Landscape Supply Father’s Day Special. The super late models will celebrate the Red, White, and Blue with round five of the Elite 8 Series on Sunday evening July 3rd with the Washington County Fair Park and Conference Center Independence Day event that will include fireworks.

The series takes a break following the July 3rd event, but the super late models will be back at Slinger Speedway for the 43rd Annual Miller Lite Slinger Nationals on Tuesday evening July 12th.


The Elite 8 Super Late Model Series heads into the homestretch with the prestigious Alan Kulwicki Memorial and Wall of Fame Induction on Sunday evening, August 7th. The prominence continues two weeks later as the Carl Wegner Memorial will make up the penultimate event of the series on Sunday evening, August 28th. The inaugural Elite 8 Super Late Model Series will conclude and a champion will be crowned with the IBEW Local 494 Labor Day Weekend Special with Fireworks on Sunday evening, September 4th.

Slinger Speedway is located off Interstate 41 and Highway 144 at 280 Cedar Creek Road in Slinger, Wisconsin. For more information on upcoming events, visit the website at www.slingersuperspeedway.com or call the track office at (262) 644-5921.

There are select advertising and sponsorship opportunities as well as company and group outings available for the 2022 season. For more information, contact the Slinger Speedway Public Relations and Marketing Department at (262) 297-2882 or visit the website at www.slingersuperspeedway.com.


April 24 (afternoon) 75th Season Opener
May 29 (evening) E.H. Wolf & Sons Memorial Day Fireworks
June 12 (evening) Keith’s Marina Race Against Cancer
June 19 (evening) PMF Landscape Supply Father’s Day Special
July 3 (evening) Washington County Fair Park and Conference Center Independence Day Fireworks
July 12 (evening) 43rd Annual Miller Lite Slinger Nationals
August 7 (evening) Alan Kulwicki Memorial/Wall of Fame Induction
August 28 (evening) Carl Wegner Memorial
September 4 (evening) IBEW Local 494 Labor Day Fireworks

-Slinger Speedway Press Release