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Nominations Set, Voting Open for Regional ARPY Awards, RPM Outstanding Event of the Year and Promoter of the Year

The nomination ballot has been set for the 48th Annual Auto Racing Promoter of the Year, regional Auto Racing Promoters of the Year and the RPM Outstanding Event of the Year.


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Daytona Beach, Florida (January 10, 2024) – The nomination ballot has been set for the 48th Annual Auto Racing Promoter of the Year, regional Auto Racing Promoter’s of the Year and the RPM Outstanding Event of the Year has been set and is released below.

Voting begins today and will run through midnight on Thursday, February 1st, 2024 to determine all award winners.

Region 1 Nominees: Paul Cole, Land of Legends Raceway, NY; Brett Deyo, Fonda and Utica Rome Speedway, NY; Kolten Gouse, BAPS Motor Speedway, PA; Alicia Hughes & Jay Fitzgerald, Glen Ridge Motorsports Park, NY; Steve O’Neal, Port Royal Speedway, PA; CV Elms & April May Preston, Bear Ridge Speedway, VT; The Arute Family, Stafford Motor Speedway, CT.

Region 2 Nominees: Tim Bryant, Five Flags Speedway, FL; Keely Dubensky & Jack McNelly, CARS Tour, NC; Scott Tripp, Lakeview Speedway, SC; Garrett Mitchell, Freedom Factory, FL; Wendall Durrance, All-Tech Raceway, FL; William Scoggin, Clarksville Speedway, TN.

Region 3 Nominees: Randy Maggio, Painesville Speedway/Lorain County Speedway, OH; Kevin Gundaker, Tri City Speedway, IL; The Deery Family, Rockford Speedway, IL; Larry Boos, Montpelier Motor Speedway & Rumble at Fort Wayne, IN; Jerry Gappens, Eldora Speedway, OH; Kim and Randy Smart, Midvale Speedway, OH.

Region 4 Nominees: Todd Thelen, Slinger Super Speedway, WI; Wayne Brevik, Marshfield Motor Speedway, WI; Terry Tucker, Jefferson Speedway, WI; Steve Sinclair, IRA Sprint Car Series, WI; Toby Kruse & Ratajczak Family, 141 Speedway, WI; Cole Queensland & Queensland Family, Deer Creek Speedway, MN; Doug Johnson, Huset’s Speedway, SD.

Region 5 Nominees: Brad Stevens, & Jessi Mynatt, 34 Raceway, IA; John McCoy, Knoxville Raceway, IA; Scotty Allen, Dallas County Speedway, MO; John Allen, 81 Speedway, KS; Danny Lorton, Lucas Oil Speedway, MO.

Region 6 Nominees: Scott & Kim Russell, Placerville Speedway, CA; Dennis Gage, Marysville Raceway, CA; Peter Murphy, Skagit Speedway, WA; Kevin Sustaire, Rocket Raceway Park, TX; Brad Whitfield, Cocopah Speedway, AZ; Tim Huddleston, Irwindale Speedway, CA.; Jeremy Anders, Wenatchee Valley Super Oval, WA; Michelle Lackey Maynor, Alaska Raceway Park, AK.

Outstanding Event Nominees:Gerald Haers Memorial, Land of Legends Raceway, NY; Sean Lias Memorial, Penn Can Speedway, PA; Rockford Speedway’s Last Lap Season, Rockford Speedway, IL; Eldora Sprint Million, Eldora Speedway, OH; The Marvin Smith Memorial, Cottage Grove Speedway, OR; Buckeye Figure 8 Nationals, Painesville Speedway, OH; Fall Classic, 141 Speedway, WI.

The link for balloting is as follows: https://forms.gle/fqZdb6gXsdvvcJvo6 (All regions must be voted for. Ballots may be rejected).

Lyle DeVore, who promoted Albany-Saratoga Speedway in Malta, NY, was introduced as the 47th Auto-Racing Promoter of the Year in February of 2023 at the 50th Annual RPM@Daytona Workshops presented at the Shores Resort & Spa in Daytona Beach Shores, Florida, representing Region One, the East Coast region of RPM balloting.

The 48th Auto-Racing Promoter of the Year Award will be presented at the 51st Annual RPM@Daytona Workshops at the Shores Resort & Spa in Daytona Beach Shores, Florida, February 11-13, 2024. Reservations may be made at the Shores Spa & Resort (the room block is open until, Monday, January 23, 2023); https://be.synxis.com/?Hotel=17713&Chain=5433&arrive=2024-02-09&depart=2024-02-15&adult=1&child=0&group=2402RPMRAC_001 (Room Reservations begin at $195 per night). Registration for the 51st Annual RPM@Daytona Workshops can be found here; Online; www.myracepass.com/businesses/21560/tickets/1365753; Offline; www.promotersnewsletter.com/downloads/get.aspx?i=893307

The RPM Workshops have become a “Can’t Miss Event” for promoters.

-RPM Workshops Release

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